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·Welcome to the new website of Dongying Made A World Optoelectronic Materials CO.
·Welcome new and old customers to visit the website ofDongying Made A World
Dongying Made A World Optoelectronic Materials CO.,LTD Address: North Ring Road of Dong’an Industrial Park, Kenli County, Shandong Province
Tel.:0546-8727368 7985007
Cell Phone:13954609538
news--2013 International Top-level Forum on New Materials Development Trend
    2013 International Top-level Forum on New Material Development Trend
The International Top-level Forum on New Material Development Trend held once every year is planned to be held in Chengdu, Sichuan during the period from September 8 to 10, 2013. 
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Dongying Made A World Optoelectronic Materials CO.,LTD
Address: North Ring Road of Dong’an Industrial Park, Kenli County, Shandong Province
Tel.:0546-8727368 7985007 Fax:0546-8727369
Cell Phone:13954609538 E-mail:chuangxin100@sina.com
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